6502's cornerNet data structure

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Net data structure

The "net" data structure is used in several database systems on minis and mainframes. It was one of the most common data structure used for databases when computer were not powerful enough to handle the relational model. I've been using this data structure in memory in a lot of real life cases with good results but I never found a convenient way to put this handling in reusable code with C, Pascal or C++.

The good old double linked list

To quickly describe the data structure let's start considering a double linked list of elements.

Double linked list
A scheme of a double linked list. Every node has a "prev" and "next" pointer to another node and there are pointers to the first and last node in the list.

A first generalization is making the list itself an object and having all elements to point to the list object. Using this approach you end up having all elements with three pointers: "prev", "next" and "owner" that points to the object that holds the "first" and "last" pointers. I won't represent pointers to the "owner" object in the following diagrams because all those arrows would make the pictures difficult to read (and to draw ;) ). Since there may be more than one "owner" I'll say that there are more "lists" (one each "owner") but that there is just one "chain" (i.e. there is just a "prev" and "next" pointer for every object, meaning "prev under the same owner" and "next under the same owner").

This data structure allows for quick serial direct and reverse scan and constant time insertion and deletion of a node (provided element address is known when deleting and insertion point address is known when inserting).

A big jump

Another more interesting generalization is making every object part of several different "chains" at the same time. Next diagram shows 5 nodes being part of two different chains: the chain "A" and the chain "B". I've drawn also 4 different "owners", two per chain.

A generalization of the concept
In this scheme there are 5 nodes in two different chains. Looking at the first chain we see that the first, second and fourth node are under an owner and the third and fifth under another. Looking at the other chain we see the partition is (first,second)/(third,fourth,fifth).

Pictures of instances are becoming confused even for simple cases like the one depicted. From now on I'll represent just the node structure hoping that how the elements are joined togheter is easy to understand looking the scheme. In real life cases it's common to face objects that are in 10 or more different chains at the same time.

Another big jump

The next step in generalization I want to make is considering "owners" as elements themselves and have them to "own" several different lists. The following picture shows the structure of a single node that is part of two chains ad the same time and that owns three different lists of other nodes (with different structure).

Another generalization
Structure of a node that is part of two distinct chains and that owns three lists of other nodes.

A concrete example

As things are getting probably confused because of my poor description let's consider a concrete simple case in which this data structure can be employed. This case will consider products, orders, shipments, customers, shipped products and ordered products.

A concrete example
A concrete case in which a net data structure can be employed. Boxes are type of elements, lines are chains.

To read the schema consider that boxes represent the differet types of element in the structure and that lines represent chains. A line connecting an upper box to a lower box means that every object of the upper box type is the owner of a list of objects of the lower box type.

So to be specific I depicted that a customer owns a list of orders and that an order owns a list of ordered products (an ordered product just tells the quantity ordered of a product in a specific order). I assumed that an order may be committed in several partial shipments and so every order owns a list of shipments for that order and every shipment lists which products and in which quantity have been delivered.

Considering the "Ordered_prod" element type we will need: A pointer to the ProductA pointer to the previous Ordered_prod element for the same ProductA pointer to the next Ordered_prod element for the same ProductA pointer to the OrderA pointer to the previous Ordered_prod element for the same OrderA pointer to the next Ordered_prod element for the same OrderA pointer to the first Shipment_prod element for this Ordered_prod elementA pointer to the last Shipment_prod element for this Ordered_prod element

Some C code

Just to see how things can get annoying and repetitive to implement look at a "C" example of implementation for the destructor of an "Ordered_prod" element:

typedef struct Ordered_prod_tag
  struct Product_tag      *product;
  struct Ordered_prod_tag *prev_in_product,*next_in_product;
  struct Order_tag        *order;
  struct Ordered_prod_tag *prev_in_order,*next_in_order;
  struct Shipped_prod_tag *first_shipped_prod,*last_shipped_prod;
} Ordered_prod;

/* ... */

void Delete_Ordered_prod(Ordered_prod *op)
  /* Remove all owned elements */
  while (op->first_shipped_prod)

  /* Make who is pointing me from back to skip me (chain 1) */
  if (op->prev_in_product)
  /* Make who is pointing me from front to skip me (chain 1) */
  if (op->next_in_product)

  /* Make who is pointing me from back to skip me (chain 2) */
  if (op->prev_in_order)

  /* Make who is pointing me from front to skip me (chain 2) */
  if (op->next_in_order)

  /* Ok... all done, release the memory */

This code seems quite complex at a first sight but is indeed really simple an repetitive: after deleting any owned object the destructor must fix the chains by making "previous" object to point to "next" ones and vice versa with special handling if the deleted object is the first or the last of a list.

Just looking at the schema we can blindly write a few hundred lines of code in which there's no added value but just pointer fixing. Same code for all the chains, with just different structure/member names. Also scale this up to a real case where there may be a few hundred differen objects and a thousand different chains. It's some big number of no-think "C" lines in where a programmer can only make (dangerous) errors.

The problem

I've been looking for an elegant solution to this problem for long time but never found anything interesting. What I've been doing is either writing all the code by hand or it generating when I faced structures with more than a few object classes. In other words I wrote programs that reading a definition of the structure can generate the required pointer fixing code for insertion, deletion, owner-change and self-check operations. An example of this description for C++ could be:







The description shown is for a simple case in which several important properties have not been considered. For example when dealing with small objects the pointer overhead may be reduced using one-directional linked lists and even the pointer to the owner may be removed at expenses of making algorithms more complex. Some databases makes the last node of a list pointing to the owner with its "next" pointer; with the addition of some form of run-time type identification this tecnique makes it possible an overhead of just a pointer per chain per record (deletion is often done just "marking" the victim as deleted and having the space reclaimed at the first scan that encounters a deleted element). Also it's quite often necessary having the same "owner" to own different lists of the same element type (in a diagram this is depicted with multiple lines connecting the same two boxes): this introduces some naming problem that I've not shown here.


STL isn't helping here (or at least I don't see how to get help from it). The problem is that STL containers pretend to be the *only* owner of an object. A tempting solution could be using list of pointers (or even better lists of reference-counted handles) but this doesn't solve the problem correctly.

To see why imagine the shown concrete example and imagine the Order class to have a member of type std::list<Ordered_prod>; now suppose that such a list is also present as a member in the Product class: what happens when we want to delete a Product ? We can start from the Product and quickly find all Ordered_prod related instances; however we will need a linear scan on Orders and on their lists to remove all pointers to Ordered_prod we need to delete. Imagine now a real-life case in which you may have ten different ways (pointers or handles) to reach the same object. One would be able to get a quick access using one of the paths, but then it would be necessary to do nine linear scans to fix up things.

I made an example using a delete request that one could suggest to replace by a "logical" deletion. However there are two problems with this solution: first there no good moment when one can reclaim unused space (unless a linear scan on parents is performed) and second the delete was just an example; another operation that is quite often needed is to move and object from one list to another (in other words a "parent change" operation).

Any good idea ?

I would like to hear if anyone that survived this boring text has a good idea about how to represent this data structure in C or in C++ in a reusable way. Drop me a line if you see something I missed. My impression is that many container descriptions avoided as STL the important point that several data access path may be present for the same element. For example it's common to have a tree in which the elements are also in an hash table or a list (i'm not thinking to a tree of hash tables, but to a tree in which all elements are also in a single hash table).

The net data structure is a complex example of data structure in which several distinct bidirectional paths are used to get to the same data. A simpler example could be a set of records searchable using several distinct hash tables on different fields. I would solve this using a distinct hash-clash chain for every indexed field thus being able to search with the same speed as if the element was in a single hash table but also being able to remove an element in constant time (once its address is known); isn't this another structure that would be hard to implement in C++ using standard containers ?